Week 6 – Live by the Compass not the Clock

In the MasterKey 6:19 it states “The cultivation of attention is the distinguishing characteristic of every successful man or woman, and is the very highest personal accomplishment which can be acquired.” This is just evidence that I am on the right path to living my life by the compass. I have been a member of Lumosity for quite a while now and I did a summary of the last 4 weeks. Check out the Attention results below.

attention (1)

Two new tools I have added to my toolbox this week are a compass and a magnifying glass. These symbols give me a constant reminder of staying on course and the power of focus. Hannel states in 6:21 “So with the power of thought, let power be dissipated by scattering the thought from one object to another, and no result is apparent; but focus this power through attention or concentration on any single purpose for any length of time and nothing becomes impossible.

My daughter brought home the Mr. Impossible book from the school library. I read it with her and every time his name came up we said, “Mr. I’M possible” we laughed super hard through the entire book and had a wonderful time. I will never forget this moment showing her that thinking differently is to her advantage. She is also able to tie any feeling that she wants to the reading giving her tremendous power.

One of the big things that I am working on this week is giving no opinions. As a result I am listening more intently and asking better questions. It is truly a blessing to step back and take active inventory of things in your life that have been repeatedly programmed into your subconscious. Eliminating heredity as an excuse and taking responsibility for my own thinking/programming was extremely enlightening. By no means have I accomplished the no opinions yet but I continue to practice. Perfect Practice Prevents Poor Performance. Make it a Super-Fantastic day!

5 thoughts on “Week 6 – Live by the Compass not the Clock”

  1. I really enjoyed this post!! I too have engaged with luminosity (not so much these past few weeks) but didn’t look at the “attention” score recently. I will re-engage and begin to watch it. I love the story about your daughter…that is so fantastic. Your reflection on you overall journey is really great and reinforcing to me as well. Glad we’re on this journey together. Look forward to hearing more… Keep believing.


  2. Thanks Chad I especially loved the insights of sharing with your daughter. Luminosity results are great I may have to open my account and work a little of that Luminosity magic myself.
    Peace & Blessings,
    Billy M


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